
Water potion: surrender, nourishmnet, intuition

The Water Potion is designed for those needing the medicine of surrender, nourishment, and intuitive access. If you are feeling overwhelmed, depleted physically or mentally [or both], and need insight into your energetics wherever you might be in your life, the Water Potion is the remedy for you. Healing, soothing, and deeply nurturing, Reiki Replenish will leave you feeling cared for and replenished with soothing tridoshic oils and nervous system nurturing Reiki. Access more of your intuition through an Intuitive Card Reading with optional ceremonial grade cacao and gentle breathwork to open the heart and connect the third eye. And catch a deeper pulse into your energy channels with a Chakra Evaluation alongside Radiant Heart Healing for clearing the heart chakra of any heavy emotions. Click below to explore more of each offering, or click 'Book' to begin your journey with the Water Potion remedy!


+ reiki replenish
+ intuitive card reading
[cacao optional]
+ Chakra evaluation & radiant heart healing

Fire potion: motivation, creativity, passion

The Fire Potion is designed for those needing the medicine of motivation, creativity, and passion. If you are feeling sluggish, depressed, or need an energy shake up, the Fire Potion is the remedy for you. Activating, awakening Reiki Restore will leave you feeling more alive, tingling with energy as the old skin cells are sloughed away with an ionic copper dry brush, helping the lymphatic system move stagnation along. Access the seat of creation, the sacral & heart chakra energy centers with a powerful Cacao Ceremony. And gain a deeper insight into what energies may need to be removed, where there are blockages, creative portals, and any other resources that would like to be known now through an Intuitive Card Reading. Click below to explore more of each offering, or click 'Book' to begin your journey with the Fire Potion remedy!


+ reiki restore
+ cacao ceremony

+ intuitive card reading

Earth potion: strength, grounding, peace

The Earth Potion is designed for those needing the medicine of strength, peace, and a sense of grounding. If you are feeling weak physically or energetically, anxious, or have a general sense of unease, the Earth Potion is the remedy for you. Grounding, relaxing Reiki Rejuvenate will leave you feeling supported, with a renewed sense of energy, center, and access to your body. An Ayurvedic Consultation will glean insight into where imbalances are occurring on a foundational level, and what true self regulation looks like for you long term. And gain a deeper insight into what energies may need to be bolstered, where there are blockages, how you can find more peace, and any other resources that would like to be known through an Intuitive Card Reading. Click below to explore more of each offering, or click 'Book' to begin your journey with the Earth Potion remedy!


+ reiki rejuvenate
+ intuitive card reading

+ ayurvedic consultation

air potion: perspective, inspiration, clarity

The Air Potion is designed for those needing the medicine of inspiration, clarity, and a shift in perspective. If you are feeling mentally clouded, struggling to make decisions, or have an air of confusion surrounding areas of life, the Air Potion is the remedy for you. Discover the deepest level of self-awareness through an Astrology Reading of your birth chart. Birth time, date, and location of birth will be needed. Classic Reiki and energy work will bring ease to the mind and nervous system, allowing stagnant energies to be cleared. Access a sense of enlightenment into what shifts need to be made, what stands in your way, what wants to be known now, and any other resources that would like to be revealed through an Intuitive Card Reading. Click below to explore more of each offering, or click 'Book' to begin your journey with the Air Potion remedy!


+ astrology reading
+ classic reiki

+ intuitive card reading

create your custom blend

your personal potion

Welcome to your custom creation, your personal potion, the remedy that's most curated for you!
How it works is simple: explore the 'ingredients' below [click any to discover more], and once you know what calls to you the most, type that into the messaging form below. Once I have received your ingredients, we will create a custom blend catered to your needs, your schedule, and your curiosity. 

Three services is the minimum, for I cannot truly help a person with their situation in one session. Much can be done in a single session, but you want to get to the root of it, find long term success, and discover true transformation. Those results are found in multiple sessions over time. Further interest may be found in my 3 and 5 Month Programs below or deeper curiosity can be discovered with an Initial Consultation!

+ classic reiki
+ reiki restore
+ reiki replenish
+ reiki rejuvenate
+ radiant heart healing

+ natal chart reading
+ transit chart reading
+ karma & chemistry reading
+ intuitive card reading
+ intuitive card reading w/ cacao

+ ayurvedic consultation
+ chakra evaluation
+ tea & talk
+ cacao ceremony
+ sacred space

ingredients //

My favorite session! Come enjoy a hot cup of organic, loose leaf tea (source Magic Hour) brewed in a cute glass tea pot and lets talk about anything from what's going on for you now, in the past, sessions prior, touch base on your Wellness Plans, Ayurvedic routines, astrological inquiries (post reading), and truly anything in between. These sessions are for exploration as you are deeply listened to & asked guiding questions to gain deeper clarity & alignment.



Please message me below with the list of  ingredients [services] that you would like, and together we will create your own custom healing blend designed just for your needs! Please feel free to add why you're interested in such sessions and anything else you'd like to share about what is going on in your life <3
Payment Plans always available



Thank you!

Your potion has been sent. I will be in touch with you shortly :)

explore more journey options with ariel's alchemy & alignment programs below!

explore ariel's alchemy & alignment technique

More on my Alchemy & Alignment Programs coming soon! Currently moving offices to make all my work more accessible for me and my clients. Excited to share the new space! If you have any inquiries or curiosities about these programs, I'd be happy to share. Click either to be redirected to the Contact page and I'll be back with you shortly. I look forward to hearing from you :)

3-month program

5-month program