return to light's
philosophies & principles


The Earth is changing, and so must we… We need to learn how to change with her, listen to her; be in step with her rhythms, cycles, and seasons. We have to stop pushing against what is organic, and step into what is sustainable living, co-creation, and co-existence with nature & each other. In order to do that, we must know how to get there. Through understanding the mind-body-spirit complex alongside ancient modalities, as well as present channelings, we can move through the 3 Phases to reach this rhythm, alignment, and balance.

The 3 Phases outlined below are comprised of the concept of how information evolves into wisdom. First, we begin gathering information. As that information collects, we begin noticing how to apply it. This application over time turns information into knowledge - something acquired through experience. As time goes on, more experience & reflection is gained from this knowledgeable place, and this formerly attained knowledge transforms into wisdom. Wisdom is an embodiment of the original information. Deeper insights can be gained from wisdom - greater peace, higher perspectives. 

This concept applied to self-realization & growth is the foundation of how I work. You will see embedded within these 3 Phases are 4 stages. This further breaks down how things are unfolding for a persons mind-body-spirit from this lens. For education's sake - lets layout the definition of mind, body, and spirit:

Mind - the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and logical thought.

Body - the physical structure of a person including the bones, flesh, and organs. The body contains its own intelligence.

Spirit - the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul, and intuition ~ the part of us that knows what it knows without knowing how it knows it. Faith.

Now we can explore further how this unfolds below:

the 3 phases + 4 stages

phase 1. Information
gathering information with You

Stage 1: Awareness - In the Awareness stage, we work mostly with the mind, moving through conversations, revelations, and more in order to access an objective place to understand ourselves, core wounding, and how wounds, false beliefs & narratives are leading us into suffering, and ultimately a life we do not want. We work with this information and let it seep into our awareness. 

phase 2. knowledge
applying that information in Your life

Stage 2: Alchemy - Once this awareness is recognized, acknowledged, and accepted, then and only then, does the alchemy begin. Positive change and transformation starts to manifest in one’s physical body and mind.

phase 3. wisdom
embodying that knowledge into every sense of Your Self

Stage 4: Enlightenment - Once this level of your sense of self is attained, your spiritual enlightenment can accelerate, turning your embodied knowledge into spiritual wisdom. It is here you begin to get out of your own way and hear with clarity the Truth State. Your truth, other’s truths, the world's truth. It is here we will come together as individuals into a collective that is awakened & healed enough to make real, positive change in the world for the betterment of every single living being involved. There is an Elasticity that is required for Enlightenment. Being able to be flexible, to stretch, and adapt to what surrounds you, as life is innately unpredictable. Mental Wisdom, Physical Wisdom, Emotional Wisdom, Spiritual Wisdom is attained here. 

Stage 3: Alignment - IF these positive changes are embodied and worked with, spirit comes online. Working from this place of truth and clarity, your life begins to shift into alignment. Something you will be able to see AND feel in your world around you. Synchronicities, symbols, and opportunities will become apparent. The life you want that is full of truth, authenticity, and freedom is unfolding.

Client Core Principles:

Principle 1: Trust in the Mystery

“First we have to trust and accept that the mind does not fully understand all that we are experiencing. Once that acceptance and trust is found, a whole other world of meaning, depth, and sensory experience becomes available to us.”

Though I do not remember where I found this quote, it sums up this principle perfectly! This type of work involves the Mystery Schools of Life. We simply do not have all the answers and cannot rationalize everything we are experiencing. When people ask me HOW is Reiki working and HOW do I do it, I don't have many answers for them. But we both know it IS in fact working! Any levels of doubt will inhibit alignment & healing. Trust in the mystery and trust in the process. 

My ideal clients are committed & curious to their highest potential + expression of their mind-body-spirit

 Principle 2: Explorative Curiosity 

“‘Live the question’ and allow the answers to emerge over time. To ‘live the question’ is to fully engage with the uncertainties of life rather than simply seeking quick or easy answers. It invites us to be open to experience, to explore and reflect, and acknowledge that the journey itself can be just as valuable as any destination. In essence, it encourages a state of curiosity, wonder, and humility as we navigate the complexities of being human. When we live the question, we stop waiting for the answer and instead choose to live into it. We take baby steps and let life reveal itself to us through the living. We enter a co-creative dance with life. We merge with the sacred rather than separating ourselves from it. We enter a world of wonder and awe instead of expecting certainty every moment of every day.”

Now I do remember this one - it is Rebecca Campbell. And I couldn't have said it better myself! This encompasses the level of curiosity required when on the self-realization journey. We must remain wonderous and nonattached. 

Principle 3: Commitment is Key

Spirit rewards those who commit to their highest healing, alignment, and expression. Your commitment tells your entire being that you are ready to receive, release, and transform for the better. Only through clear, decisive action will clear, decisive answers be available to you. When we come in with doubt or resistance, we block what is ready for us. We tell the best version of ourselves that we are in fact, not ready for it. And by not committing to our healing journey, we are acting in resistance, blockage, and doubt. In order for me to truly help someone, I need them to take full autonomous commitment and conviction for their highest healing journey. 

Principle 4: Honesty is the Policy

A classic, is it not? When we are honest, our life comes into alignment. When we are not, we see how things become distorted, false, and imbalanced. When trekking on the path towards your highest expression & wellness, you have to be ready to be radically honest with yourself, and often with me. If you are working with me and are not in a place to fully accept responsibility, see things from new perspectives, or have a deep desire for self improvement - then now is not the time. Those who value above all else their Highest Self, value their Highest Truth. In order to get there, radical honesty needs to be a welcomed guest who becomes a long-term resident!

Principle 5: Patience is a Virtue

Yet another classic! And a very difficult one in our day and age. The process I've laid out before you takes time. And time is different for everyone with this. Some phases & stages above will go by rapidly for some, and at a snails pace for others. It depends what kind of processor you are, as there is much to process when embarking on a self-realization journey! We need to have a great level of patience, understanding, and compassion for ourselves during this commitment. Some things happen over night, some weeks, months, even years. And no one way is right or wrong, it just simply is. As long as we apply the first principle of trust, patience can more easily follow.