The Earth is changing, and so must we… We need to learn how to change with her, listen to her; be in step with her rhythms, cycles, and seasons. We have to stop pushing against what is organic, and step into what is sustainable living, co-creation, and co-existence with nature & each other. In order to do that, we must know how to get there. Through understanding the mind-body-spirit complex alongside ancient modalities, as well as present channelings, we can move through the 3 Phases to reach this rhythm, alignment, and balance.
The 3 Phases outlined below are comprised of the concept of how information evolves into wisdom. First, we begin gathering information. As that information collects, we begin noticing how to apply it. This application over time turns information into knowledge - something acquired through experience. As time goes on, more experience & reflection is gained from this knowledgeable place, and this formerly attained knowledge transforms into wisdom. Wisdom is an embodiment of the original information. Deeper insights can be gained from wisdom - greater peace, higher perspectives.
This concept applied to self-realization & growth is the foundation of how I work. You will see embedded within these 3 Phases are 4 stages. This further breaks down how things are unfolding for a persons mind-body-spirit from this lens. For education's sake - lets layout the definition of mind, body, and spirit:
Mind - the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and logical thought.
Body - the physical structure of a person including the bones, flesh, and organs. The body contains its own intelligence.
Spirit - the nonphysical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul, and intuition ~ the part of us that knows what it knows without knowing how it knows it. Faith.
Now we can explore further how this unfolds below: