Written by Kirti Zhu – Evolutionary Astrologer
August 19th, 2024 @ 11:25 AM Arizona
Happy Full Moon in Aquarius, my Star Sisters & Brothers!
Well, what can I say? If you aren’t feeling these cosmic downloads this week, perhaps you are fighting really hard to maintain the status quo of your life, so that the inevitable changes on the horizon don’t catch up to you! And if that is the case, best of luck avoiding the inevitable! LOL. 😊
Astrologers around the world are talking about this week, and really the entire month of August, being the “Game-Changer” time of the year! Now, if you are ready for the game of your life to change, so to speak, you’re probably feeling a “heck yes!” as we arrive at the Full Moon on Monday, August 19th. And, on the flip side of this, if you are feeling in a state of deep denial about what needs to be done to change the direction of your life path, then this week in particular can feel like a “please, no!” as you fight against the alignments unfolding in & around you.
They say that pain is simply a culmination of energy that has been consolidated and needs to be released: from this perspective, welcome the growing pains that are coming at you during this time, and disperse that energy! The more you can work with your personal energy field at this time, the better off you will be when it comes time for you to take action on what your soul needs to evolve into your bright & beautiful future!
A couple of Astro-Speak things to note with this Full Moon cycle:
We’ve got the Mercury Cazimi (when Mercury comes into a conjunction aspect with the Sun) happening, which indicates a time for us to align our Heart (Sun) & Throat (Mercury) chakras so that we can better express ourselves in the world. This connection of planetary energies is also great for receiving cosmic downloads on a very deep, personal level, especially in the sign of Leo!
This is a time for us to focus on “ME” and be sure the relationships we involve ourselves in are aligned with our spirit’s higher calling in this life. It’s a time to let go of old relationships that are no longer working or have some heart-to-heart conversations that allow each person to speak their truth and be received & supported in that self-expression. And if you don’t feel that love & support, time to move on!
Another big alignment that is happening during this Full Moon is the infamous “T-Square” pattern between Venus-Saturn & Jupiter-Mars (in AstroSpeak, Venus is forming an opposition aspect to Saturn, and both Venus & Saturn are forming a square aspect to the Jupiter-Mars conjunction). But what does it all mean?!
Well, the simple version is this: depending on where these energies are landing in your personal natal chart, this alignment in the sky can make us feel limited/constricted/bound to the old ways of doing things (Saturn) in regard to our partnerships/relationships/values/finances (Venus), as we fight to break free & expand (Jupiter) towards what we are most passionate about in this life (Mars). This energy will set the tone for us through the next Full Moon cycle in September, so time to pull up your bootstraps and enjoy the ride! Otherwise, it may feel like you are being taken for a ride! LOL. 😊
Let’s also remember that the Jupiter-Saturn sqaure will actually last until around April/May of 2025, so we’ve got quite a bit of time on our hands to feel into this balancing act between EXPANSION (Jupiter) & CONTRACTION (Saturn) in our lives!
Remember to BREATHE and BE GENTLE with yourself, and others, as we finish out the rest of August together. Call up your local energy healer (holla at your girl, Ariel!), your breathwork practitioner, your yoga teacher and really any & all of the holistic healing modality resources you have at your fingertips: including your own Inner Voice guiding you back hOMe!
Curious where these cosmic alignments are landing for you, and how to work with these divine energies in your natal chart? Book a Reading Today!
Ariel Marth – Evolutionary Astrologer
OR her sister!
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