Written by Kirti Zhu – Evolutionary Astrologer
Welcome to September, my Star Sisters & Brothers!
We start this month out with a BANG! as Uranus begins his retrograde motion through the sign of Taurus, and Pluto finally makes contact for one last hoorah in the sign of Capricorn, before officially settling into Aquarius around mid-November for the next 20+ years! This is a HUGE OPPORTUNITY for us to really sift through the sands of time of our lives, and to get clear about what we are ready to change, so that we can move forward towards our highest potential. Use the energy of these outer planets retrograde motion to do the following: to get higher-consciousness downloads (Uranus), take a look at where the later degrees (20-29) of the fixed signs (Leo // Aquarius, Taurus // Scorpio) falls in your natal chart, and to uncover past-life patterns of your soul (Pluto) take a look at where those later degrees fall for you in the cardinal signs (Cancer // Capricorn, Aries // Libra).
Have no idea how to find out this info for yourself?! Contact us for a planetary transit reading today! 😊
The New Moon in Virgo begins on the 2nd at 6:55pm PDT, kicking us off into a new lunar cycle for the next several weeks until the next New Moon in October. The most significant aspect to this New Moon is the opposition to Saturn, calling us to do some deep re-structuring of our lives! And of course, because pragmatic Virgo is involved, this involves a complete reset of our lifestyle: from our diet to our self-care routines, on all the levels of mind-body-spirit integration. Take a look at where the early-mid degrees (6-16) land in your natal chart in the mutable signs (Virgo // Pisces, Gemini // Sagittarius) for guidance as to where to focus your self-improvement energies during this lunar cycle! And again, please reach out to us if you need guidance, too!
Mars will be entering the sign of sweet Cancer on the 4th at 12:46 pm PDT. The leap from chatty Gemini to internal Cancer is a big one energetically, especially when go-getter Mars is involved! We all may start to notice ourselves wanting to withdraw inwards a bit more during this time, as we navigate the internal waters of Cancer within. For those of us wanting to accomplish a lot, let’s just say that it can be a challenge to even get out of bed with Mars in Cancer, LOL! But of course, depending on what else is happening in your natal chart, this energy will affect everyone differently: some of you may want to spend more time at home with your family, and some of you may want to explore your emotional landscape in a more active way. Wherever this Mars in Cancer wind blows you, remember to be gentle with others, and find some extra time to nurture yourself, as well!
Mercury goes back (or forward, rather!) into practical Virgo on the 8th at 11:50pm PDT, calling us to get down to business once again! Remember, we are still in the so-called “shadow period” of the Mercury retrograde until September 12th, so there may be some residual things from this last Mercury Rx that you still need to hash out between the 8th and the 12th! But then it’s full speed ahead as Mercury flies through Virgo, closing us out later this month by moving into Libra on the 26th at 1:09am PDT. Once settled in Libra, our mercurial tendencies will be leaning more towards cultivating partnerships & relationships, rather than the hyper-focused self-improvement it’s been navigating in Virgo!
The Full Moon will peak in Pisces on the 17th at 7:43pm PDT, followed by the partial Lunar eclipse at 7:45pm PST (more to come on this lunar cycle in the Full Moon newsletter later this month!).
The Fall Equinox marks the turning of the seasons on the 22nd, followed by the Sun moving into Libra at 5:43am PDT and Venus moving into Scorpio at 7:36pm PDT. This is a time to celebrate the harvest of our lives: from what we have planted in the Spring, nourished in the Summer and finally are able to reap what we have sown in the Fall. What has this harvest season brought forward for you? Whatever your bounty looks like, create a gratitude altar on this day, offering flowers and lighting candles as you place items that represent your harvest on your personal altar to honor this time. Remember to also commemorate what you have lost, or let go of, in your life, just as much as you celebrate what you have created & called in!
Venus traveling through Scorpio is calling us to set clear & healthy boundaries for ourselves in our partnerships & relationships, and of course to deepen our most intimate partnerships. In conjunction with the Sun moving into partnership-oriented Libra, this is the perfect time to bring your loved ones closer, and if you’re single, time to call in that Divine Partnership for yourself! 😊
May this month of Virgo // Libra Season be fruitful for you, Beautiful Souls!
Curious where these cosmic alignments are landing for you, and how to work with these divine energies in your natal chart? Book a Reading Today!
Ariel Marth – Evolutionary Astrologer
OR her sister!
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