Pisces Full Moon // Partial Lunar Eclipse

Written by Kirti Zhu – Evolutionary Astrologer

September 17th, 2024 @ 7:34 PM Arizona

Happy Full Moon in Pisces & Partial Lunar Eclipse, my Star Sisters & Brothers!  

This Full Moon in Pisces is an extra dreamy one, as she travels alongside Neptune in his home sign of Pisces! It’s also the 2nd of four “Super Moons,” in relation to her proximity to Mama Earth. Dreams are what we make of them, and with Mars squaring the nodal axis of the Moon, we need to remember this skipped step of ACTION towards making our dreams a reality! Otherwise, we will just be lost in the dreamscape that the Moon & Neptune so enjoy inhabiting together in the cosmic energy of Pisces, LOL.

And even though the partial lunar eclipse will be exact just minutes after the Full Moon peaks, it is not necessarily a big energy eclipse, due to the larger distance between the nodal axis of the Moon, as well as the out-of-sign nature of this cosmic event. However, if you have any planets landing between 25 degrees Mutable Signs and 6 degrees Cardinal Signs, you will definitely be feeling something during this time! Time to bust out your natal chart and take a look-see, and of course, if you need some guidance, reach out to your favorite astrologer (aka Ariel or Kirti!). 😊

Mercury, the quick-witted Messenger of the Gods, is forming an opposition to Saturn, the Lord of Karma and this Time-Space Continuum we exist in on this 3rd dimensional plane of reality. Mercury deals with our day-to-day interactions, so this could feel a bit challenging, as we are confronted with our personal limitations (Saturn) in what we can and cannot accomplish with the time we are given. We also want to be paying close attention to our health, as we could find ourselves running ourselves into the ground, so to speak, if we aren’t careful! Remember to take extra steps towards your daily wellness routine for yourself: stay on top of your yoga & meditation practice, and all will flow more smoothly! 🙂

There’s also this Venus & Chiron dance taking place, so let’s talk about that for a moment.  Venus represents our ability to CONNECT: with others in relationships, and of course, with ourselves. When it comes to connecting with ourselves, we need to cultivate a sense of self-worth & self-love, before we can truly find authentically loving connections with others. So, with this opposition to Chiron in Aries, as Venus travels through one of her home-signs in Libra, there is an emphasis on CULTIVATING SELF-ACCEPTANCE. Only YOU can do this for yourself, and once you have fully embraced who you truly are, only then can you dive deep into partnership with another. We could also be experiencing issues with our financial sense of self-worth during this time, too, so keep yourself on the look-out for opportunities to ask for what you are worth!

Blessings on Your Journey through The Stars!

Curious where these cosmic alignments are landing for you, and how to work with these divine energies in your natal chart? Book a Reading Today!

Ariel Marth – Evolutionary Astrologer

OR her sister!

Kirti Zhu – Evolutionary Astrologer

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