Written by Kirti Zhu – Evolutionary Astrologer
July 21, 2024 @ 3:17 AM Arizona
Happy Full Moon in Capricorn, my Star Sisters & Brothers!
Welcome to the 2nd Full Moon in Capricorn this year, culminating at the 29th degree and closing out an old cycle to initiate a new one for each one of us! The energy around this Full Moon has an added layer of intensity to it, as Pluto, Lord of the Underworld & our Subconscious Realms, joins the Moon in conversations around LETTING GO OF THE PAST, so that we can make way for a brighter future. Pluto acts as a kind of wrecking ball into the brick wall of our Ego-Self, calling us (or forcing us, in some cases!) to demolish the old structures that are no longer serving our evolutionary path in this lifetime. Imagine yourself as the Phoenix rising from its own ashes this weekend and into the next moon cycle, for that is what you are at this precious moment in time: a force to be reckoned with and a unique soul that is ready to shine! Take time out, this weekend especially, to connect with yourself on a deeper level: make a list of all the things you are ready (or know that you need to be ready) to let go of in your life and do a little fire ceremony to release them into the ether! A simple ritual like this will set you up for success in the coming weeks to set the stage for this new beautiful chapter you are manifesting!
Venus in Leo and Jupiter in Gemini are coming together this Full Moon, as well, encouraging us to co-create new pathways of human connection. Perhaps a part of your “letting go” ritual of burning away past patterns will also include ways in which you have participated in relationships that were toxic to your authentic self-expression, so that you can dance with this Venus-Jupiter sextile over the coming weeks in a purely open-minded & playfully curious way. By overcoming our fears of failure (Black Moon Lilith – BML – in Virgo) around who we are and how we show up for others, we can start to attract an abundance of new ideas & connections (Jupiter in Gemini square BML) that will open new doors of opportunity for our personal growth.
Instead of ending with the Sabian Symbol, as I feel this one is not so relevant to the overall energies we are receiving during this moon cycle, I would like to reflect upon the Mars-Uranus conjunction that took place last week, but is continuing to affect us this weekend, as well. This energy may have been quite a roller-coaster ride for some, and perhaps not so much felt by others, depending on where the late degrees of the fixed signs land in your birth chart. Nevertheless, these two “Bad Boys of the Cosmos” will be adding a little extra spice to the coming weeks ahead, especially as they heat up the room with their square aspect to Mercury this weekend! For some, it may be wise to really take that “letting go” ritual to the next level and make it a self-led silent retreat of sorts: a time to be gentle with yourself & allow your mind to rest. A major reset of our lives is being called for this Full Moon: may you receive the messages coming from deep within your spirit, so that you may follow your heart’s true song as we approach Leo Season!
Curious where these cosmic alignments are landing for you, and how to work with these divine energies in your natal chart? Book a Reading Today!
Ariel Marth – Evolutionary Astrologer
OR her sister!
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