Leo New Moon

Written by Kirti Zhu – Evolutionary Astrologer

Sunday, August 4th @ 4:12 AM Arizona

Happy New Moon in Leo, my Star Sisters & Brothers! 💖

This New Moon in Leo may feel a bit like “should I stay, or should I go?!” as it dances onto the stage with Jupiter & Mars in social Gemini, wanting to play & connect with those around us. And yet, on this very same day, we have Venus moving into Virgo, and then Mercury going retrograde for the next several weeks of August, setting quite a different energy for the stage they wish to step out on.

Although Venus will be technically at the final degree of Leo at the moment of the New Moon, she will be moving into Virgo later in the day and will remain there for this entire lunar cycle. Venus in Virgo is a more reserved place for the Goddess of Love & Beauty to be hanging out, as she tends to like to be the “fly on the wall” of the party she’s found herself in during this New Moon (this is not to say that she doesn’t know how to have fun, and perhaps even surprise some when she is found in the bedroom with a lover at the end of the night!). When you add Mercury going retrograde, also in the sign of Virgo, at the same party, this can make for a very confusing time: should you stay, or should you go? Do you feel like your needs are being met in your current [fill in the blank _________ e.g. relationships, work, community, life purpose, etc.]? Or is it time to take those rose-colored glasses off that you’ve been wearing for far too long? Remember, Neptune is also dancing at this party, with Venus on one arm and Pluto in the other, forming what we call a YOD pattern in Astro-Speak. Venus is the Apex, or the Manifestation point, of this energetic dance they are engaged in together, and Neptune & Pluto are the points of focus: to reach the manifestation in question, we must do the inner work required first. It is time to let go of our ILLUSIONS (Neptune) around LOVE & MONEY (Venus), after we have done the deep dive into our own PERSONAL UNDERWORLD/SUBCONSCIOUS (Pluto) around these areas in our life.

If we do the YOD right, we can find ourselves in a very empowered place! And if we fail, we could feel like the wind has been taken out from under our sails, so to speak. The question is this: are you being REAL with yourself, or are you dancing to the tune of someone else’s song? May these weeks ahead be a time for you to CREATE (Leo) the life in which you are meant to live, as you take the time to TURN INWARDS & DO THE INNER WORK (Mercury Rx in Virgo), especially around the themes of Love & Money (Venus) in your life – and your SELF-DEVELOPMENT (Venus in Virgo) will be taken to the next level!

Dane Rudhyar’s Sabian Symbol for the 13th degree of Leo feels very fitting for this New Moon cycle, as it aligns with Mercury going retrograde for most of this month ahead: “AN OLD SEA CAPTAIN ROCKING HIM SELF ON THE PORCH OF HIS COTTAGE.” Rudhyar goes on to say that the keynote here is about “QUIET RECOLLECTION,” thus emphasizing the need to go inwards & reflect on where we have been, so that we can plant the seeds of a new path to which we are headed towards.

May your new seedlings be watered daily by your positive thoughts & feelings during this next month, and once Mercury goes direct (mark your calendars for August 28th!), may your precious seedlings burst from Mama Earth as beautiful sprouts reaching for new heights! Blessings to You, Star Seed!

Curious where these cosmic alignments are landing for you, and how to work with these divine energies in your natal chart? Book a Reading Today!

Ariel Marth – Evolutionary Astrologer

OR her sister!

Kirti Zhu – Evolutionary Astrologer

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